Saturday, May 20, 2017


This morning I had company creekside.  This little guy neither retreated nor froze, but rather carefully regarded me, tilting his head and swivelling his bright eyes to look into mine.  I wondered at his lack of skittishness.  Perhaps the safety of his portable home engenders confidence.

Wednesday, May 17, 2017


I'm enjoying the brightness today.  The edge of the ranunculus is so crisp it appears photoshopped, but it wasn't.  There are no filters in this photo.  The magenta is real.

Friday, May 12, 2017


In the very early quiet, huddled over a steamy black mug, I was surprised by lateral rays through the trees, and the room was suddenly filled with gold.  Sunrises never get old, but I forget to look for them.  I was lucky today.

"Crop Circles" on the Rug

It's shedding season.  One day after vacuuming, this furry "crop circle" tells a tale.  I can just imagine my sweet Ellie scratching while slowly spinning on the spot.  When I was younger I may have focused only on the need to clean it up.  Today, it makes me smile.

The proud artist!

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Shifting Habits

Time in the creek is a reward normally squeezed in at the end of the day.  Showing up after morning coffee instead reveals a different world.  In the early quiet, the deer are sleepy after a full night of foraging, and have let their guard down.  They don't notice me until I'm close enough to make eye contact.  Then, with a flash of white and a crash of leaves and twigs, they are gone.

Thursday, May 4, 2017